This article applies to: Firm Administrators and Managers
There are several ways to add requests to an engagement:
1. Uploading a formatted Excel template
2. Importing requests from an existing engagement
3. Item-by-item, using the button to create individual requests.
1. Uploading Requests with the Request List Template
To upload a formatted Excel template, click the Upload or Import Requests button at the top right. Download the AuditDashboard request template by clicking on "this template" as indicated in the screenshot below. This Excel sheet can be populated with your complete request list, including Titles, Descriptions, and user assignments, and then uploaded using the Upload Request List button.
2. Import Requests from an Existing Engagement
To import requests from an existing engagement, use the Import Existing Request List feature highlighted [2] in the screenshot above.
Select the desired engagement from the dropdown, click the Import Existing Request List button, and all requests from that engagement will be imported. Data related to the requests, such as comments, file uploads, user assignments, and activity history, will not be copied over.
3. Adding Individual Requests
To add a single request to an engagement, simply click the button at the top-right of the engagement. This will bring up the New Request pane, where you can add the request Title, Reference, Description, and (optionally) upload a sample document to attach to the request.