This article applies to: Client Staff Managers
To get access to AuditDashboard, Client users need to be added to the user library, and associated with one or more Client Companies.
Follow these steps to add client users to your AuditDashboard portal:
- Navigate to Users in the main menu on the left. If you cannot see this option, you do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task and will need to contact an Administrator at your firm.
- Click the button at the top right. This will open a form to add details about the user - the required fields are Company, Email, and Name.
- Fill out their details, as well as optional contact information, and set their Role.
Once the user is added, they are in a Pending Invitation (blue) state - they have not yet received an invitation email.
The next step is to send them an invitation to register their account. Note: you may not want to invite the user until after you have created your engagement so that their engagement is ready the first time they log in.
When you're ready to send the invitation to register, navigate to the user record, select the box next to it in the user grid, and press the Send Invitation Email button. This will send them an invitation email and change their status to Pending Registration (yellow).
Once the client user has registered using the link in the invitation email, their status will become Confirmed (green).
Remove Users
To remove a user's access, select the box next to their name, and click the "Deactivate" icon:
Their account will be deactivated immediately and the user will no longer be able to log into the platform.
To restore a user's account, select their name and click the Activate (check mark) button.