This article applies to: Firm Managers and Administrators
Note: Draft Engagements are not visible to client users. Visibility and notification preferences commence when the engagement status becomes In Progress.
- When viewing an engagement inside the platform, click the pencil icon (edit) to bring up the Edit Engagement pane:
- To add professionals, click 'Professionals.' To add clients, click 'Clients.' Type the user's email address in the search field, or select the user from the dropdown and click 'Add User' to add them to the engagement.
To remove a user, click the Trash icon next to their name.
Client & Professional Engagement Role(s)
- Request Administrators have full rights over all requests in an engagement
- Administrators (Inherited) have full access rights over all requests in an engagement
- Request Managers have full access rights over all requests in an engagement but can not delete requests
- General users can not create or delete requests, download all files or restrict requests
- General users can read and respond to requests, and can re-assign requests to other Client users who are on the engagement.
- Request Managers can create requests, mark requests as High Importance, and have the ability to download all documents together in a ZIP file.