This article applies to: Firm Managers and Administrators
Step 1 - In Engagements, Click the plus button .
Step 2 - If the templates view is available, Ensure "Blank" is selected for the template, and then click the arrow button to proceed to the next tab.
Step 3 - Complete the Engagement Details by filling out the form, then press the arrow button to proceed to the next tab.
Please note the descriptions below are the defaults for AuditDashboard. Some portals may have customizations that change the labels of the fields, or forces some or all of them to be required. Use the descriptions below as a guideline.
Client: Select the Client Company you want to create the engagement for using the drop-down menu. If you do not see the client listed in the dropdown, you will need to create a Client Company.
Keep in mind that for security purposes, only users associated with this Client Company will be able to be added to this engagement.
Division: If there is an option to select a division, select it from the second drop down.
Title: Give the engagement a title.
(e.g. AuditDashboard Dec 31, 2019, Year-end Audit)
Keep in mind that this is the main reference that will appear on the dashboard and in email notifications. Both professionals and clients should be able to read the title and understand enough unique details to differentiate it from other engagements.
ID (optional): Use this field to tag the engagement with a unique ID that corresponds to the client or engagement.
Type: Use this field to classify the type of engagement. It may be as generic as “audit”, “review” or “tax” or as specific as the type of audit, review, or tax engagement (e.g. employee benefit plan audit, quarterly review, or 1040 return).
Period: Specify a period of time for the engagement here (e.g., March 31, Q4, Dec 31).
Year: Specify a four-digit year here.
Owner: Select the owner of the engagement here. If an owner is not selected, the person who creates the engagement is designated as the Engagement Owner.
Start Date: Specify the expected start of fieldwork. The date by which you would expect to have received all documentation prepared by the client for review and likely have dedicated resources scheduled.
Due Date: Specify the due date for the engagement. The date you expect to issue the final report, return, or final deliverable to the client.
Keep in mind, this date will also be used to govern retention.
Once you've created your engagement you'll want to start Adding users to your engagement