This article applies to: All Firm Users
The Engagement View is the heart of AuditDashboard and includes the Engagement List, Request List and Details Pane.
1. The Engagement List
Displays all your In-Progress engagements. You can easily switch between your engagements by clicking the engagement title. You can also edit engagements by clicking the “pen” icon or add new engagements by clicking the “+” icon.
2. The Request List
All your requested information is listed here, and where all engagement activity occurs. Each line represents an individual request for information.
The details of the request are organized by the following column headings:
- Title – A short description of the item being requested.
- Reference – Indicates the section of the audit that the request pertains to.
- Client User – The person from the client’s team that is responsible for providing the information.
- Firm User – The person from the professional services team that has requested the information.
- Due Date – The deadline for when the requested information is due.
- Modified – Time the request was last modified, automatically updated by AuditDashboard when a request is edited, or when a comment or document is added.
You can Search, Sort and Filter request lists to enhance your workflow, allowing you to manage and find the information you need.
3. The Details Pane
Appears when you double click an individual request.
- The top section includes a detailed description of the request (note this will only appear if a description was provided by the Firm User).
- Client Users and the Firm Users can use the comment section to ask questions or provide feedback with context on individual requests.
- Client Users and Firm Users can also toggle between the Activity, Files and Documents and History section and download information from either of these sections.