This article applies to: All Firm Users
Launching an engagement brings you to the Engagement View, which is the heart of AuditDashboard.
The Engagement view is made up of 3 parts, labelled above:
[1] The Engagement List: this contains all of your active engagements. Easily switch between your engagements by clicking the engagement title.
[2] The Request List. This is the where all of your requested information is listed, and where all engagement activity occurs. Each line represents an individual request for information.
The details of the request are organized by the following column headings:
- Title – a short description of the item being requested
- Reference – an indication of the section of the audit that the request pertains to.
- Firm User and Client User – the person on each respective team that is responsible for providing and reviewing the information
- Due Date - the date the information requested is due
- Modified - the time the request was last modified. This field is automatically updated by AuditDashboard when a request is edited, or when a comment or document has been added.
The request list can be sorted by column, and filtered by request status and other criteria.
[3] The Details Pane: The top of this pane contains a detailed description of the request. A comment field allows team members to ask questions or leave feedback, as well as buttons to Upload, Accept, and Return documents. The bottom Activity portion of the Details Pane summarizes all activity within the request, and organizes any attached Files and Documents.
By utilizing the dynamic Engagement Request List, professionals and clients can securely and efficiently collaborate on the engagement together.