This article applies to: Firm Administrators
There are two types of roles and permissions in AuditDashboard:
- Domain or System Roles and Permissions and;
- Engagement Roles and Permissions.
This article will address domain (i.e., Global) roles and permissions for professionals. To learn about Domain roles and permissions for client users please refer to this article.
There are 10 different professional roles, split into 3 sections: (1) General, Client Manager, Engagement Admin, Engagement Manager, Administrator, (2) My Files, File Manager, File Admin, (3) Signature Admin, and My Signatures. Users can have any combination of these roles selected.
It's important to select only one role from the File Management category (My Files, File Manager, or File Admin) and one from the Signature category (Signature Admin or My Signatures). If access to either Files or Signatures is not required, do not assign any role from that category.
General (default) - provides general access appropriate for most non-manager, non-admin users.
- Note: this is the default setting for new firm users as it only provides access to AuditDashboard's basic features. Manager / Administrator access should be assigned on a case by case basis.
- Ability to see all the active engagements that one has been given access to. Can not create/edit engagements OR add/remove oneself or other users.
Client Manager (client manager box checked) – can create clients, add client users and sent registration emails/notifications.
- Ability to see all the active engagements that one is a part of and add/remove client's and client users. Can not create/edit engagements or add/remove other firm users.
Engagement Admin (engagement admin box checked) – Allows firm professionals to create, manage, and delete all engagements.
- Ability to see all engagements at the firm create new engagements and access/edit engagements firm-wide including the ability to add/remove users from engagements. Can not add/remove users or invite users to the portal, only to the engagement.
Engagement Manager (engagement admin box checked) – Allows firm professionals to create, manage, and delete the engagements they are a part of.
- Ability to see engagements at the firm they are a part of, create new engagements and access/edit all engagements including the ability to add/remove users from engagements.
- Can not add/remove users or invite users to the portal, only to the engagement.
Administrator (administrator box checked) – Complete system access.
- Ability to see all the active engagements one is a part of, create/edit engagements and add/remove users from an engagement. Ability to add/remove client's and client users. Can also add/remove professional users (i.e., users at same firm).
- Note: This role does not allow access to the Static File Portal. Users will still need File Manager or File Admin if they are to be granted access to the static file portal.
My Files (my files box checked) - can access their personal file cabinet
- Ability to create file folders and upload / download files within their own cabinet
File Manager (file manager box checked) - can access the file's functionality for all clients across the entire firm.
- Ability to create file folders and upload / download files from all clients
- Note: File manager access is only available if the Static File Portal feature has been enabled.
File Admin (file admin box checked) - can access the files functionality for all clients across the entire firm and can delete and restore files.
- Ability to create file folders and upload/download files from all clients and all firm users
- Ability to view "Files" section of Trash to restore deleted files
- Note: File Admin access is only available if the Static File Portal feature has been enabled.
Signature Admin (signature admin box checked) - can access the Signatures functionality for all clients across the entire firm and can view, edit, and delete all signature documents.
- Ability to create signature documents and upload/download files for all clients
- Ability to view "Signatures" section of Trash to restore deleted files
- Note: Signature Admin access is only available if the Signatures feature has been enabled.
My Signatures (my signatures box checked) - can access the Signatures functionality for only the documents they have created.
- Ability to create signature documents, and view those documents they have created
- Note: My Signatures access is only available if the Signatures feature has been enabled.